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Agribusiness Achievement Standard Resources
Growing Value
Download folder
Adding Value case studies.pdf
Adding value essential for future.pdf
Adding value to milk not easy.pdf
Artisan bakery thrives on innovation..pdf
Changing agri-food perspectives.pdf
Crunch time.pdf
Discovering food from paddock to plate.pdf
Field of dreams.pdf
From garden gate to dinner plate.pdf
Global consumer trends in store for 2018.pdf
Governing Value Creation Presentation.pdf
Governing Value Creation Research.pdf
Growing bananas a good fit.pdf
High value products needs a point of difference.pdf
Innovation key to firms success.pdf
Innovations that improve productivity.pdf
Murray Gouldburns predictaments.pdf
New Zealands Food Provenance.pdf
NZ ripped off along the value chain..pdf
Supermarket scoping activity.pdf
The tale of 2 butters.pdf
Tranforming the dairy value chain..pdf
Up the Value add Ladder.pdf
Value add a growth business for Fonterra.pdf
Value added Executive Summary.doc
Value added goods only way to richer NZ.pdf
What do our dairy customers value.pdf
◄ Introduction
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Agribusiness Matrix June 2018 - including recontextualised AS
Matrix of new Agribusiness standards - June 2018
busstud matrix with agri June 18
Agribusiness Teaching and Learning Guidelines
Conference 1 The Agribusiness Journey
Conference 2 The Agribusiness Journey
Conference 3 Agribusiness in the School Setting
Agribusiness Programmes at Levels 2 and 3
Implementation Workshop
New Zealand primary sector notes
Dr West speech
Example of a Level 2 Agribusiness 2021 Course Outline
Example of a Level 3 Agribusiness 2021 Course Outline
Example of Agribusiness 2021 descriptors
Example of Y12 Student Agribusiness Course Booklet 2021
Example of Y13 Student Agribusiness Course Booklet 2021
Soils Make Sense - DairyNZ
ESA LEvel 2 Agribusiness Learning Workbook
DUO future proofing influences that affect business viability scheme - Sept 2021
Future proofing
agribusiness2 7A v1 dec17
agribusiness2 7B v1 dec17
91865 Future Proofing Assessment Rubric
91865-Student exemplars
Apple Picking Machine
Apple Picker Machine
What is future proofing?
Importance of Future Proofing
Predicting Impacts
Economic Influence
Political Influence
Legal Influence
Ethical Influence
Social Influences
Cultural Influences
Environmental Influence
Biological Influence
Scientific Influence
Technological Influences
Future proofing your business
Conduct an inquiry into the use of insects to meet future needs scheme - Sep 21
Conduct an inquiry into the use of methanogens to meet future needs scheme - Sep 21
Conduct an inquiry into the use of dung beetles to meet future needs scheme - Sep 21
agribusiness2 8A v1 dec17
agribusiness2 8B v1 dec17
91866 Organisms Assessment Rubric
91866-Student Exemplars
Social Inquiry Process
Insect Protein
Dung Beetles
How, where and why alternative proteins will change farming in New Zealand
Business Structures
DUO a PI business structure that meets strategic needs of a business scheme - Sep 2021
agribusiness2 9A v1 dec17
agribusiness2 9B v1 dec17
91867 Business Structures Assessment Rubric
91867-Student Exemplars
Agribusinesses by region
Ownership Structures
DUO cash flow forecasting for a business scheme - Sep 2021
agribusiness2 10A v1 dec17
agribusiness2 10B v1 dec17
91868 Cashflow forecasting Assessment Rubric
91868-Student Exemplars
Copy of Cashflow-forecasting-template
Shrimp Farm
small-business-cashFlow template BNZ
WaikatoBoP Dairy Report 2016
Interactive Tutorials
Basic Tutorials
Excel 2013 Task
Annual cash budget
Balance Sheet
Monthly Cash flow budget
Copy of Fonterra annual monthly cashflow budget September 2016
Personal Cash budget
Quick Cash Budget
Columba Overview
Columba College Lesson 1
Columba College Lesson 2 Brent Bishop
Columba College Lesson 3 Farmer Fiona
Columba College Lesson 4 Bright Sparks
Columba College Lesson 5 Comp Business
Columba College Lesson 6 Market Mike
Columba College Lesson 7 Quad Bikes
Columba College Lesson 8 Drenched
Columba College Lesson 9 Mas Titus
Columba College Lesson 10 AGFEST
Financial Management
Actual business cash flow examples
Cash Flow
Cash flow forecasting examples
External factors that may affect cash flow
Budget is a living document
Analyse FP strategies to ensure long term viability of a business scheme - Sep2021
Dairy Biosecurity - Analyse FP strategies scheme - Sep 2021
Reducing GG Emissions Scheme - Analyse FP strategies - July 22
Seafood Sustainability - Analyse FP strategies scheme - Sep 2021
agribusiness3 8A V1 dec17
agribusiness3 8B V1 dec17
91869 FP Strategies Assessment Rubric
91869-Student Exemplars
Dairy Biosecurity resources
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Seafood resources
General Resources
Future proofing influences revisited
What are future proofing strategies PPT
MPI Biosecurity Resources
Analyse the effect of a SCE decision scheme - Sep 2021
91870 Assessment Rubric
agribusiness3 9A V1 dec17
agribusiness3 9B V1 dec17
91870-Student exemplars
1. Strategic capital decisions
2. What information
3. Goals and Aspirations
4. What is capital
5. Capital requirement
6. Assets
7. Credit and borrowed capital
8. Types of loans
9. Sources of capital
10. Financing options
11. Factors affecting credit
12. The financial package
13. Selecting a financial institution
14. Sensitivity analysis
15. SWOT analysis
16. Cost benefit analysis
17. Explain, Evaluate Recommend
Analyse how a product meets market needs scheme - Sep 2021
agribusiness3 10A V1 dec17
agribusiness3 10B V1 dec17
91871 Innovation in the Value Chain Assessment Rubric
Agribusiness-91871-student exemplars
Value added practicals
What does the market or consumers want?
Value Chain or Supply Chain
1. Inbound logistics
2. Operations
3. Outbound logistics
4. Marketing & sales
5. Service
6. Support activities
Gate to Globe
Resource 3 Meetingmarketneeds Student Assessment Task
Resource 3 Meetingmarketneeds Teacher Guidance
Agribusiness Examples 2020 PPT
Directory for the Agribusiness Examples 2021
Agribusiness Examples Lesson Starters
Agribusiness MAORI-ENGLISH
Agribusiness Resources
General resources
Matauranga Maori and Agribusiness websites and links
Gate to the Globe
insights into kaupapa Māori
Aboriginal Ag ST6
Fa'amolosi - Say it Right!
Pacific Values Framework Designing for Science Classrooms
The Samoan Creation Legend
Agribusiness Examples 2020 PPT
Agribusiness Examples Lesson Starters
Directory for the Agribusiness Examples 2021
Innovation ►